Controlling RC servo motors
Controlling RC servos with a microcontroller is rather simple, due to the minimalistic communication protocol used by these motors.
The diagram below is a mostly complete description of this protocol:
5V ┌────┬┄┄┄┄┐ ┌───
│ │ ┆ │
0V ─┘ └────┴───────────────┘
0ms 1ms 2ms 20ms
The angle the servo is set to is controlled by the pulse length seen in the diagram.
- A pulse length of 1ms means turn all the way in one direction
- A pulse length of 2ms means turn all the way in the other direction
- A pulse length of 1.5ms means move to the origin
To generate these pulses we will use the pwm
Below are two functions to controll the servos.
performs the necessary setup to control a servo motor on pin 2 of the microcontrollerservo_set
sets the position of the servo on a scale from 0-100
function servo_setup()
pwm.setup(2, 50, 75)
function servo_set(pos)
local pos_clip = math.max(math.min(pos, 100), 0)
local duty = (1 + pos_clip/100) / 20 * 1023
pwm.setduty(2, duty)
The servo is connected using three wires:
- The black wire is connected to
- The red wire is connected to
- The white wire is connected to pin
Task: Connect a servo and write a program that toggles between the to endpoints once a second.